Well... we already know 4: Megaman X, Ryu, Captain Marvel and Iron Man, so that leave 20 spots. I agree with you with all your choices but with just 4 exceptions. In Marvel side, Ghost Rider and Starlord, maybe they will put Groot and Venom instead. For capcom Spencer and Asura, maybe Akuma (because fans may want him) and Virgil (because the same reasons as Akuma).
To be honest i WISH the return of Hsien-ko and the introduce of Gene (God Hand) as a new character. From Marvel side i WANT Blackheart back and / or Shuma-Ghorat.
I hope at the end they give us a rooster as big as UMVC but anything is good... unless they do the same as SFV and release characters every 2 months.
Also sorry for my english, I speak spanish.
not really a fan of the roster so far
Well, 4 characters in and I'm being accuarate, apparently.